
MES Community College, Pune

1214-1215, Sadashiv Peth, Pune 411 030
Established in 2010

Set up in 2011, the Community College aims at introducing the several new subjects which have emerged with the changing world, and offers guidance to the new courses. Helping to develop soft skills, empowering people from all walks of the society to earn livelihood, developing skilled manpower are other objectives. The Community College conducts diploma in social work and also courses such as marriage counselling.
MES Vyaktimatva Vikas Kendra, Pune

MES Vyaktimatva Vikas Kendra, Pune

(Personality Development Center)
Saraswati Bhavan, S. No.46/1, Paud Road, Kothrud, Pune 411038
Established in 2007

MES set up a Personality Development Centre (व्यक्तिमत्व विकास केंद्र) realizing the need to resolve mental and psychological problems in the modern world. The centre guides students, parents and teachers to tackle problems such as stress, worries. The centre also imparts study skills. It also provides career guidance.
This was the 1st and only institution in Maharashtra, started such cell. The institute is currently undertaking various activities related to Psychology and few of them are mentioned as below:-

  • Activities for Students
  • Psychological Testing and counselling
  • Activities for Parent’s
  • Activities for teacher’s

सध्या च्या नवीन युगा मधील वाढत्या मानसिक समस्यांची गरज लक्षात घेऊन म. ए. सो. ने व्यक्तिमत्व विकास केंद्राची स्थापना केली. हे केंद्र विद्यार्थी, पालक व शिक्षक यांना ताण तणाव, चिंता, भावनिक, वर्तनात्मक समस्या या सारख्या समस्यांना सामोरे कसे जाता येईल या विषयीचे सामुपदेशांनाचे काम करते. तसेच करिअर समुपदेशन ही करते.
ही महाराष्ट्रातील अशा प्रकारचे काम करणारी पहिली आणि एकमेव अशी संस्था आहे कि जेथे गेल्या १२ वर्षापासून संस्थेच्या प्रत्येक शाळा व महाविद्यालय मध्ये पूर्ण वेळ समुपदेशक काम करत आहेत. संस्था सध्या विविध प्रकारचे मानसशास्त्राशी संबंदित उपक्रम करत आहे. त्या पैकी काही खालीलप्रमाणे आहेत:-

• विद्यार्थ्यांसाठी उपक्रम
• मानसशास्त्रीय चाचण्या व समुपदेशन
• पालकांसाठी उपक्रम
• शिक्षकांसाठी उपक्रम


MES Renuka Swaroop Institute Of Career Courses, Pune

1453-1454 Sadashiv Peth, Pune, 411030
Established in 1989

It has become absolutely necessary to enable girls and women in the modern world to become independent. This institution established in 1989 extends useful training to girls and women who have had to give up their education half-way. Training useful for self-employment is extended here and courses such as food-craft, tailoring, conversation development, and beautician are also held. A Government recognized course for pre-primary teachers is also conducted here.
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