MES Adyakrantiveer Vasudeo Balwant Phadke Vidyalay, Panvel (Poorva-Prathamik School)

Plot No. 113, Sector 06, New Panvel 410 206
Established in 1999

Medium - Marathi

२१ जून १९९९ रोजी म.ए.सो. अद्याक्रांतीवीर वासुदेव बळवंत फडके विद्यालयाची स्थापना झाली. साध्य-साधन विवेक हा भारतीय संस्कृतीचा पाया आहे. संस्कार हेच उत्तम जीवनमूल्य आहे. याच धोरणातून विद्यालयात संस्कारक्षम उपक्रमांचे आयोजन केले जाते. समृद्ध ग्रंथसंपदा हे शाळेचे वैभव आहे, विविध विषयांवरील सुमारे ४५०० पुस्तके शाळेतील ग्रंथालयात आहेत. अद्ययावत संगणक कक्ष, सुसज्ज प्रयोगशाळा, प्रशस्त क्रीडांगण, बहुउद्देशीय सभागृह यांसारख्या भौतिक सुविधा शाळेत उपलब्ध आहेत. तसेच विद्यालयात 'मिनी सायन्स सेंटर'ची स्थापना करण्यात आली आहे.

विद्यालयात विद्यार्थ्यांबरोबर पालकांसाठीही वेगवेगळ्या उपक्रमांचे आयोजन केले जाते. बदलत्या शिक्षण प्रणालीत पालकांचा शाळेशी संपर्क असणे ही महत्त्वाची बाब असल्याने हे उपक्रम घेतले जातात.

MES Adyakrantiveer Vasudeo Balwant Phadke Vidyalay, Panvel (Pre-Primary School)

Plot No. 113, Sector 06, New Panvel 410 206
Established in 1999

Medium - English

Adyakrantiveer Vasudeo Balwant Phadke Vidyalaya is one of the most trusted name in quality education, which is recognized throughout the academic world for its progressive approach and commitment to excellence. A.V.B. Phadke Vidyalaya is popularly known as PhadkeVidyalaya, is named after one of the founders of Maharashtra Education Society , Pune, Adyakrantiveer Vasudeo Balwant Phadke, who was one of India’s first revolutionaries in the independence movement against British and whose birthplace is in Shirdhon near Panvel.

The school was established in 1999, by Maharashtra Education Society, Pune which offers schooling from Nursery to Class X.
Phadke Vidyalaya, New Panvel has been set up with the mission to provide the best possible opportunities for pupils to learn and cultivate habits that lead them to adopt positive attitudes to life and develop a deep sense of human values that will enable them to fulfil their potentials and contribute to the society. We help our children to explore their inner talents and potentials by providing appropriate stress-free learning environment with quality education..

Our school aims to provide effective teaching and learning situations, which help students to develop critical thinking, problem solving, communication skills and ethical behaviour. We would equip our students with a set of life skills which will help them to become what they are meant to be – sensitive, caring, intelligent persons who are a credit to all who have had a hand in their upbringing.

The building of this School which is located in Sector 6 of New Panvel was handed over to the MES by CIDCO in 1999. The MES set up Pre-Primary, Primary and Secondary Schools in both English and Marathi Medium from June 1999. The School receives good patronage from Panvel and it’s environ.

MES Adyakrantiveer Vasudeo Balwant Phadke Vidyalay, Panvel (Primary School)

Plot No. 113, Sector 06, New Panvel 410 206
Established in 1999

Medium - Marathi

२१ जून १९९९ रोजी म.ए.सो. अद्याक्रांतीवीर वासुदेव बळवंत फडके विद्यालयाची स्थापना झाली. साध्य-साधन विवेक हा भारतीय संस्कृतीचा पाया आहे. संस्कार हेच उत्तम जीवनमूल्य आहे. याच धोरणातून विद्यालयात संस्कारक्षम उपक्रमांचे आयोजन केले जाते. समृद्ध ग्रंथसंपदा हे शाळेचे वैभव आहे, विविध विषयांवरील सुमारे ४५०० पुस्तके शाळेतील ग्रंथालयात आहेत. अद्ययावत संगणक कक्ष, सुसज्ज प्रयोगशाळा, प्रशस्त क्रीडांगण, बहुउद्देशीय सभागृह यांसारख्या भौतिक सुविधा शाळेत उपलब्ध आहेत. तसेच विद्यालयात 'मिनी सायन्स सेंटर'ची स्थापना करण्यात आली आहे.विद्यालयात विद्यार्थ्यांबरोबर पालकांसाठीही वेगवेगळ्या उपक्रमांचे आयोजन केले जाते. बदलत्या शिक्षण प्रणालीत पालकांचा शाळेशी संपर्क असणे ही महत्त्वाची बाब असल्याने हे उपक्रम घेतले जातात.

MES Adyakrantiveer Vasudeo Balwant Phadke Vidyalay, Panvel (Primary School)

Plot No. 113, Sector 06, New Panvel 410 206
Established in 1999

Medium - English

Adyakrantiveer Vasudeo Balwant Phadke Vidyalaya is one of the most trusted name in quality education, which is recognized throughout the academic world for its progressive approach and commitment to excellence. A.V.B. Phadke Vidyalaya is popularly known as Phadke Vidyalaya, is named after one of the founders of Maharashtra Education Society , Pune , Adyakrantiveer Vasudeo Balwant Phadke, who was one of India’s first revolutionaries in the independence movement against British and whose birthplace is in Shirdhon near Panvel.

The MES set up Pre-primary, Primary and secondary schools in both English & Marathi Medium from June 1999 at New Panvel.

An ideal school gives to students the scope and the spirit of healthy competitions, fruitful activities which give students a platform to show their talent and they can excel at all levels i.e. school is the workshop of life building in which the raw material is the mind of young pupils, the principal, the teachers are the molders of these raw material into the ideal mould. For these process, many more activities like field visits, P.D. workshops, fistful food grain donation, visit to old age home, marketing and advertising skill development programs are arranged in the school. To make the students aware of their social responsibilities and duties and qualities of good citizens to serve the country, our school arranges activities like street play, water conservation campaign, Voting awareness, cleanliness campaign etc.

To provide a platform for ideas to spread the light of knowledge and to nurture self perpetuating and constant filling of self improvement in every individual child we have introduced “Reflections”, a monthly bulletin. It has been published consistently last 7 years. It is an amalgamation of thoughts, information, art work, jokes and creativity in various fields contributed by the students, teachers and parents.
Personality development and counseling center is one of the distinctive features of our school. P.D. center takes individual problems of the child and tries to develop their personality by counseling and giving guidance to them free of cost. To eradicate the stress of the students, we installed an opinion box near the entrance of the school.

For the physical development of the child, we have introduced ‘Kridavardhini’. For this we have introduced national and international games like Gymnastics, Taekwondo, Kabaddi etc.

To increase the interaction with parents, school arranges various competitions and inspirational lectures and workshops for parents. Our Parents Teachers Association is always co-operative for the betterment of school.

The school provides its students the best opportunities to develop their skills at multi levels. In future also we will provide greater avenues to our students and look forward to touch new heights in the years to come.


MES Adyakrantiveer Vasudeo Balwant Phadke Vidyalay, Panvel (High School)

Plot No. 113, Sector 06, New Panvel 410 206
Established in 1999

Medium – Marathi

२१ जून १९९९ रोजी म.ए.सो. अद्याक्रांतीवीर वासुदेव बळवंत फडके विद्यालयाची स्थापना झाली. साध्य-साधन विवेक हा भारतीय संस्कृतीचा पाया आहे. संस्कार हेच उत्तम जीवनमूल्य आहे. याच धोरणातून विद्यालयात संस्कारक्षम उपक्रमांचे आयोजन केले जाते. समृद्ध ग्रंथसंपदा हे शाळेचे वैभव आहे, विविध विषयांवरील सुमारे ४५०० पुस्तके शाळेतील ग्रंथालयात आहेत. अद्ययावत संगणक कक्ष, सुसज्ज प्रयोगशाळा, प्रशस्त क्रीडांगण, बहुउद्देशीय सभागृह यांसारख्या भौतिक सुविधा शाळेत उपलब्ध आहेत. तसेच विद्यालयात 'मिनी सायन्स सेंटर'ची स्थापना करण्यात आली आहे.विद्यालयात विद्यार्थ्यांबरोबर पालकांसाठीही वेगवेगळ्या उपक्रमांचे आयोजन केले जाते. बदलत्या शिक्षण प्रणालीत पालकांचा शाळेशी संपर्क असणे ही महत्त्वाची बाब असल्याने हे उपक्रम घेतले जातात.

MES Adyakrantiveer Vasudeo Balwant Phadke Vidyalay, Panvel (High School)

Plot No. 113, Sector 06, New Panvel 410 206
Established in 1999

Medium – English

Adyakrantiveer Vasudeo Balwant Phadke Vidyalaya is one of the most trusted name in quality education,which is recognized throughout the academic world for its progressive approach and commitment to excellence.A.V.B. Phadke Vidyalaya is popularly known as PhadkeVidyalaya, is named after one of the founders ofMaharashtra Education Society , Pune , AdyakrantiveerVasudeoBalwant Phadke,who was one of India’s first revolutionaries in the independence movement against British and whose birthplace is in Shirdhon near Panvel.

The school was established in 1999 ,under the institute Maharashtra Education Society, Pune and offers schooling from Nursery to Class X.
Phadke Vidyalaya ,New Panvel has been set up with the mission to provide the best possible opportunities for pupils to learn and cultivate habits that lead them to adopt positive attitudes to life and develop a deep sense of human values that will enable them to fulfil their potentials and contribute to the society. We help our children to explore their inner talents and potentials by providing appropriate stress-free learning environment with quality education..

Our school aims to provide effective teaching and learning situations, which help students to develop critical thinking, problem solving, communication skills and ethical behaviour. We would equip our students with a set of life skills which will help them to become what they are meant to be – sensitive, caring, intelligent persons who are a credit to all who have had a hand in their upbringing.

The building of this School which is located in Sector 6 of New Panvel was handed over to the MES by CIDCO in 1999. The MES set up Pre-Primary, Primary and Secondary Schools in both English and Marathi Medium from June 1999. The School is named after the founder of MES, Vasudev Balwant Phadake whose birthplace is Shirdhon near Panvel. The School receives good patronage from Panvel and it’s environ.

MES Dnyan Mandir Pre-Primary School, Kalamboli

MES Dnyan Mandir, Kalamboli (Poorva-Prathamik)

Sector No 14, Kalamboli, Navi Mumbai (New Mumbai), India
Established in 1996

Medium - Marathi and English

गुणवत्तापूर्ण शिक्षणाचे संगोपन करतांना समाजातील सामाजिक आणि नैतिक मूल्यांचा प्रसार करण्याच्या उददेशाने महाराष्ट्र एज्युकेशन सोसायटीची स्थापना ‘सन १८६० मध्ये झाली. भारतातील जबाबदार देशभक्तीपर नागरिक बनविण्यासाठी सातत्याने १५९ वर्ष कार्यरत असणारी महाराष्ट्र एज्युकेशन सोसायटी ही संस्था. या संस्थेमध्ये समाविष्ट असणाऱ्या ७७ शाखांमध्येच कळंबोली येथील म.ए.सो. ज्ञानमंदिर या शाळेचा समावेश होतो.

दि. १ जुलै १९९७ रोजी शाळेची स्थापना झाली. म.ए.सो. चे त्यावेळचे मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारी श्री. अनिल ढेकणे, श्री. पानसे सर, श्री. शुक्ल सर यांच्या उपस्थितीत मुख्याध्यापिका म्हणून सौ. माधवी मतलापूरकर यांनी सूत्रे हातात घेतली. म.ए.सो. ज्ञानमंदिर शाळेची स्थापना करून नवी मुंबई परिसरात म.ए.सो. ने मुहूर्तमेढ रोवली. २२ वर्षापूर्वी रोवलेल्या बीजाचे आता वटवृक्षात रुपांतर झाले आहे. कळंबोली परिसरात मुल्याधिष्टीत उपक्रम राबविणारी शाळा असा नावलौकीक अल्पावधीतच शाळेने मिळविला.

MES Dnyan Mandir Pre-Primary School, Kalamboli

MES Dnyan Mandir, Kalamboli (Prathamik Shala)

Sector No 14, Kalamboli, Navi Mumbai (New Mumbai), India
Established in 1996

Medium – Marathi and English

The MES set up this Marathi Medium School in Kalamboli in Raigad District in 1997. With its principle of keeping with times, MES has provided for e-learning facility, a Computer Lab, a well-equipped library, an extensive playground. Also, there is a facility for water cooler and a permanent stage in the School. The main features of the School may be described as imparting value based quality education, and individual attention to the students.
MES Dnyan Mandir Pre-Primary School, Kalamboli

MES Dnyan Mandir, Kalamboli (High School)

Sector No 14, Kalamboli, Navi Mumbai (New Mumbai), India
Established in 1996

Medium - Marathi and English

The MES set up this Marathi Medium School in Kalamboli in Raigad District in 1997. With its principle of keeping with times, MES has provided for e-learning facility, a Computer Lab, a well-equipped library, an extensive playground. Also, there is a facility for water cooler and a permanent stage in the School. The main features of the School may be described as imparting value based quality education, and individual attention to the students.
MES Public School Pre-Primary School(CBSE), Kalamboli

MES Public School, Kalamboli (Pre-Primary School)

Sector No 14, Kalamboli, Navi Mumbai (New Mumbai), India
Established in 2014

Medium - English

MES PUBLIC SCHOOL, is the first CBSE school in Kalamboli, Navi Mumbai. It was started in 2014 by Maharashtra Education Society Pune, which has widespread interest in the sphere of quality education with commitment of excellence. MES is one of the oldest private institutions in India. It was founded in 1860. At present it runs over 77 institutions including schools, colleges, vocational training institutions and a hospital, in various places in Maharashtra.MES Public School provides facilities like computer lab, a well stocked library and a huge playground. CCTV cameras are also installed for safety and supervision. Experienced and cooperative staff is available for students' assistance.At MES Public School, we believe in activity based education. Along with academics, various activities are conducted to enhance their learning and to imbibe moral values.Vision We are committed to impart quality education, with the view of ‘inclusiveness’ and deliver to the future of India, the enriched personalities with different types of life-skills, abilities, sensitive attitude towards the society at large and the national spirit.Mission To ignite, train, transform and empower the minds of our students by providing them quality education. To impart various life-skills to the students to acquaint them with the world beyond textbooks. To nurture and develop global competence and abilities among the students, to improve quality of life. To develop all round personality of the students resulting into personal happiness, social sensitivity and national spirit.
MES Public School Pre-Primary School(CBSE), Kalamboli

MES Public School, Kalamboli (Primary School)

Sector No 14, Kalamboli, Navi Mumbai (New Mumbai), India
Established in 2014

Medium – English

The MES Public School came in to being in the academic year 2014-15 as it was realized that there is a need for an english medium primary and secondary school affiliated to the CBSE board, in Kalamboli in Navi Mumbai. The School which runs on self-finance basis accommodates 300 students.
MES Public School Pre-Primary School(CBSE), Kalamboli

MES Public School, Kalamboli (CBSE - High School)

Sector No 14, Kalamboli, Navi Mumbai (New Mumbai), India
Established in 2014

Medium – English

The MES Public School came in to being in the academic year 2014-15 as it was realized that there is a need for an english medium primary and secondary school affiliated to the CBSE board, in Kalamboli in Navi Mumbai. The School which runs on self-finance basis accommodates 300 students.

MES Higher Secondary School (Self Finance), Belapur

(MES Vanijya Uchaa Madhyamik Vidyalay, Belapur)
21, 22, Income Tax Colony, Near Parsik Hill Road, Agroli, Sector 29, CBD Belapur - 400614
Established in 2016

MES started the Higher Secondary School in 2016, which is run on self-finance basis. One division with the student capacity of 80 has been sanctioned. It is intended to conduct courses in commerce faculty such as Information Technology, Bi-focal course in computer subjects, and vocational training in subjects such as MSCIT, Tally etc.
MES Vidyamandir, Belapur

MES Vidyamandir, Belapur (Pre-Primary)

21, 22, Income Tax Colony, Near Parsik Hill Road, Agroli, Sector 29, CBD Belapur - 400614
Established in 2000

Medium - English, Marathi & Semi-english

MES VIDYA MANDIR School (Estd. 2000) is one of the private English medium school established in Belapur, Navi Mumbai, India. It is recognized by the Government of Maharashtra and affiliated to the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, i.e., S.S.C. and H.S.C.(Commerce). It is located at the foot of Parsik hill, pollution free area.The school provides education in English.MAHARASHTRA EDUCATION SOCIETY has started PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT CENTER since 2009-10.In response to heavy demand for colleges in the city of Navi Mumbai, MAHARASHTRA EDUCATION SOCIETY has started its Junior College of Commerce in 2016. Now the school is known as MES VIDYA MANDIR & amp; HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL.The school has playground to provide safe outdoor environment within the school premises. It provides the opportunity to practice skills & to improve the physical health of students & develop the leadership quality among the children. Festivals & functions are celebrated with a great pomp to inculcate moral values & to encourage students to embrace other traditions & culture to understand our country’s diversity.

MES Vidyamandir, Belapur

MES Vidya Mandir, Belapur (Primary)

21, 22, Income Tax Colony, Near Parsik Hill Road, Agroli, Sector 29, CBD Belapur - 400614
Established in 2000

Medium - English, Marathi & Semi-english

A spacious building was constructed in CBD Belapur in the year 2000. The idea behind the construction of such a building in the scenic environment at the foot of the Parsik Hill was to run English Medium Schools. The salient features of the School are a library, a laboratory, classes equipped with computers, spacious rooms and a big playground. At present, the School accommodates 350 students.
MES Vidyamandir, Belapur

MES Vidyamandir High School, Belapur

21, 22, Income Tax Colony, Near Parsik Hill Road, Agroli, Sector 29, CBD Belapur - 400614
Established in 2000

Medium - English, Marathi & Semi-english

A spacious building was constructed in CBD Belapur in the year 2000. The idea behind the construction of such a building in the scenic environment at the foot of the Parsik Hill was to run English Medium Schools. The salient features of the School are a library, a laboratory, classes equipped with computers, spacious rooms and a big playground. At present, the School accommodates 350 students.
MES Pre-Primary School, Savedi

MES Poorva Prathamik Shala, Savedi, Ahmednagar

Adyakrantiveer Vasudev Balwant Phadke Marg, Savedi
Established in 1987

Medium - Marathi

Savedi, a suburb of Ahmednagar, had no facility for education. Realizing this acute need Shri. Chandrakant Renavikar and his brother started Kai. Damodar Shankar Renavikar Vidyamandir in memory of his father on June 9, 1987. The School was handed over to MES in 2005. In the very first year, the School had two classes of kindergarten, and one class each between Std. I and IV. Thus, there were 300 students in the beginning. At present, the School comprises classes from Std. I - VII, and there are 800 students.
MES Pre-Primary School, Savedi

MES Renavikar Madhyamik Vidyalaya, Savedi, Ahmednagar

Adyakrantiveer Vasudev Balwant Phadke Marg, Savedi
Established in 2005

Medium – Marathi

ATAL Tinkering Lab



This School aims to mould ideal citizens through various projects. A number of educational facilities have been made available in this School spread over an area of two and half acres in Savedi, Ahmednagar. There are two separate buildings for the primary and the secondary division. Since 2016, there is also an MES Higher Secondary School which focuses on Commerce education. Educational facilities have been augmented after the completion of the second floor in 2017.
MES Late DS Renavikar Vidya Mandir, Ahmednagar

MES Late D. S. Renavikar Vidya Mandir Primary School, Savedi, Ahmednagar

Adyakrantiveer Vasudev Balwant Phadke Marg, Savedi
Established in 2005

Medium - Marathi

Savedi, a suburb of Ahmednagar, had no facility for education. Realizing this acute need Shri. Chandrakant Renavikar and his brother started Kai. Damodar Shankar Renavikar Vidyamandir in memory of his father on June 9, 1987. The School was handed over to MES in 2005. In the very first year, the School had two classes of kindergarten, and one class each between Std. I and IV. Thus, there were 300 students in the beginning. At present, the School comprises classes from Std. I - VII, and there are 800 students.

MES English Medium School, Shirwal (Pre-Primary)

near old joglekar hospital, Brahmin Ali, Shirwal - 412801
Established in 1996

Medium - English

MES set up this School in Shirval in 1996. Trained teachers, a modern laboratory, spacious ground, library, computer lab, etc. have been provided in the School. The children learn through various educational methods keeping in view the trends in changing times.

MES English Medium School, Shirwal (Primary)

near old joglekar hospital, Brahmin Ali, Shirwal - 412801
Established in 1996

Medium - English

MES set up this School in Shirval in 1996. Trained teachers, a modern laboratory, spacious ground, library, computer lab, etc. have been provided in the School. The children learn through various educational methods keeping in view the trends in changing times.

MES English Medium School, Shirwal (Secondary)

Near old joglekar hospital, Brahmin Ali, Shirwal - 412801
Established in 1996

Medium – English

MES set up this School in Shirval in 1996. Trained teachers, a modern laboratory, spacious ground, library, computer lab, etc. have been provided in the School. The children learn through various educational methods keeping in view the trends in changing times.

MES Late Gajananrao Bhivrao Deshpande Vidyalaya, Junior College

(Formerly known as MES High School)
Bhigwan Road, Opp. Railway Station, Baramati, Tal Baramati, Dist. Pune
Established in 1976

This knowledge centre of MES, set up in 1911 like all other Vidyamandirs aims at an all-round development of children. Separate spacious buildings house divisions for boys and girls on this big campus. The students can avail of separate well equipped modern laboratories on the campus. A library is also run in the School. Realizing the significance of computers, a computer laboratory has been established in a separate building.
MES Late Gajananrao Bhivrao Deshpande Vidyalaya, High School

MES Late Gajananrao Bhivrao Deshpande Vidyalaya, High School

(Formerly known as MES High School)
Bhigwan Road, Opp. Railway Station, Baramati, Tal Baramati, Dist. Pune
Established in 1911

Medium – Marathi and Semi-english

ATAL Tinkering Lab

This knowledge centre of MES, set up in 1911 like all other Vidyamandirs aims at an all-round development of children. Separate spacious buildings house divisions for boys and girls on this big campus. The students can avail of separate well equipped modern laboratories on the campus. A library is also run in the School. Realizing the significance of computers, a computer laboratory has been established in a separate building.

MES Nirmala Haribhau Deshpande Prathamik Shala, Baramati

(Formerly known as MES Balak Mandir)
Bhigwan Road, Opp. Railway Station, Baramati, Tal Baramati, Dist. Pune
Established in 1986

Medium – Marathi

This Primary School set up in 1986 has been acknowledged for its educational quality in Baramati. The School conducts various projects for the benefit of the students. The School gives priorities to develop latent qualities of sports, theatre, dance, acting and elocution.

MES Poorva Prathamik Shala, Baramati

Bhigwan Road, Opp. Railway Station, Baramati, Dist. Pune
Established in 1979

Medium - Marathi

The Pre-Primary School was established in 1979. The School has been implementing various projects to make learning enjoyable. The projects include celebration of various festivals, drawing competitions, and monologue competitions, etc.

MES Haribhau Gajanan Deshpande English Medium School, Baramati (Primary)

(Formerly known as MES English Medium Primary School)
Survey No. 19/1/A and B, Harikrupa Nagar, Deshpande Estate, Indapur Road, Baramati 413102
Established in 2012

Medium – English

An important milestone of the MES in its educational progress in Baramati was the setting up of MES English Medium School in 2012. The School is now housed in a grand building. The aim of this School is to impart quality education through English medium. Besides education, the School encourages students to participate in several tournaments held outside Baramati.

MES Haribhau Gajanan Deshpande English Medium School, Baramati (Pre-Primary)

(Formerly known as MES English Medium Pre-Primary School)
Survey No. 19/1/A and B, Harikrupa Nagar, Deshpande Estate, Indapur Road, Baramati 413102
Established in 2012

Medium - English

An important milestone of the MES in its educational progress in Baramati was the setting up of MES English Medium School in 2012. The School is now housed in a grand building. The aim of this School is to impart quality education through English medium. Besides education, the School encourages students to participate in several tournaments held outside Baramati. MES intend to cater the educational needs and impart the best quality education to the society. The education system at MES Haribhau Gajanan Deshpande English Medium School is a blend of both modern and traditional views. By realizing the need of quality based English Medium School in the city, MES started its new venture in Baramati in September, 2013 with the name “English Medium School”. At present, school has classes up to 6th standard.On 5th November 2018 it was renamed as “MES Haribhau Gajanan Deshpande English Medium School.”
MES Waghire High School, Saswad

MES Waghire High School, Junior College, Saswad

Saswad - Bopdev - Pune Road, Saswad- 412301
Established in 1976

The first School of MES established outside Pune city in 1906, caters to students from rural areas. The School has secondary and higher secondary classes. Following the need of and the demand by the parents for English medium, the MES opened English Medium School, Saswad in the academic year 2016-17. In the year 2015- 16, four students received 'Innovation Award for School Children' from Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) for their invention of 'Suraksha Jyoti', a tool to prevent loss of life when a leopard attacks human habitat.
MES Waghire High School, Saswad

MES Waghire High School, Saswad

Saswad - Bopdev - Pune Road, Saswad- 412301
Established in 1906

Medium – Marathi and Semi-english

ATAL Tinkering Lab



The first School of MES established outside Pune city in 1906, caters to students from rural areas. The School has secondary and higher secondary classes. Following the need of and the demand by the parents for English medium, the MES opened English Medium School, Saswad in the academic year 2016-17. In the year 2015- 16, four students received 'Innovation Award for School Children' from Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) for their invention of 'Suraksha Jyoti', a tool to prevent loss of life when a leopard attacks human habitat.

MES Bal Vikas Mandir, Saswad (Primary School)

MES Waghire High School Campus, Saswad, Dist - Pune - 412301
Established in 1986

Medium – Marathi

This Primary School set up in 1986 inculcates awareness about environment protection and conservation among the students through various activities. The School undertakes various projects that will develop scientific temperament, creativity, curiosity, national and social awareness, and self-independence. Projects that will emphasize a disciplined life are organized in the School. The emphasis here is to make learning joyful. To seek a friendly dialogue with the parents, excursions of parents, teachers and guest lectures are organized.

MES Poorva Prathamik Shala, Saswad

MES Waghire High School Campus, Saswad, Dist - Pune - 412301
Established in 1986

Medium -Marathi

This Primary School set up in 1986 inculcates awareness about environment protection and conservation among the students through various activities. The School undertakes various projects that will develop scientific temperament, creativity, curiosity, national and social awareness, and self-independence. Projects that will emphasize a disciplined life are organized in the School. The emphasis here is to make learning joyful. To seek a friendly dialogue with the parents, excursions of parents, teachers and guest lectures are organized.

MES English Medium Pre-Primary School (Self Finance), Saswad

MES Waghire High School Campus, Saswad, Dist - Pune - 412301
Established in 1986

Medium - English

M.E.S. English Medium School started in Saswad, was founded by the Maharashtra Education Society, Pune, which is one of the leading and renowned names in the field of education in Maharashtra. MES intends to cater the educational needs and impart the best quality education to the society. The education system at MES English Medium School is a blend of both modern and traditional views.
Recognizing the importance of learning in English language, Maharashtra Education Society, Pune started its branch at Saswad in the premises of M.E.S. Waghire High School in the year 2016. On July 4th, the class of HKG was started. The school was started with five students. Today, total 85 students, from Nursery to grade 3 are studying in the school. The school is an English medium CO-Ed school, affiliated to the Secondary School Certificate Board (SSC).
The school has implemented the scheme of continuous and comprehensive evaluation (CCE Pattern). Pre-primary and Primary departments are functioning in the school at present.
This Pre-Primary School set up in 1986 inculcates awareness about environment protection and conservation among the students through various activities. The School undertakes various projects that will develop scientific temperament, creativity, curiosity, national and social awareness, and self-independence. Projects that will emphasize a disciplined life are organized in the School. The emphasis here is to make learning joyful. To seek a friendly dialogue with the parents, excursions of parents, teachers and guest lectures are organized.

MES Rani Laxmibai Mulinchi Sainiki Shala, Junior College, Kasaramboli

Gut No.80 K, Kasaramboli,Post-Pirangut, Mulshi, Pune - 412115 Maharashtra, India
Established in 2003

This institution of the MES has carved out its own name in military education for girls. In this School, is situated in Kasar-Amboli, some 24 km West of Pune in Mulshi tehsil. This is a residential School spread over 32 acre of land and is great feat in military education for girls. Activities such as archery, horse-riding, rifle shooting, rock climbing help to develop adventure sports. The School aims at developing a self-sufficient, fearless girl

MES Rani Laxmibai Mulinchi Sainiki Shala, Kasar Amboli, (Secondary)

Gut No.80 K, Kasaramboli,Post-Pirangut, Mulshi, Pune - 412115 Maharashtra, India
Established in 1997

Medium – English

ATAL Tinkering Lab

This institution of the MES has carved out its own name in military education for girls. In this School, is situated in Kasar-Amboli, some 24 km West of Pune in Mulshi tehsil. This is a residential School spread over 32 acre of land and is great feat in military education for girls. Activities such as archery, horse-riding, rifle shooting, rock climbing help to develop adventure sports. The School aims at developing a self-sufficient, fearless girl.

Started in July 1997, the Rani Laxmibai Mulinchi Sainiki Shala is the first girls’ sainik school started by the Maharashtra Education Society. To contribute the best towards the development and building of our nation, the Maharashtra Education Society has made it a dream project and is doing its best to make it a success for the national cause. This unique school started with only one division of forty girl cadets from all over Maharashtra eighteen years back. Despite challenges, the school has successfully expanded to a strength of more than six hundred girl cadets. The inclination of joining Defence Services is increasing day by day along with opting for other services like research, the Police Department and the administrative wings. The school starts from class five with a capacity of 45 cadets in each division. The classes are from fifth to twelfth with two divisions per standard. Junior College i.e. 11th and 12th –has only Science faculty and is affiliated to the State Board of Maharashtra. Semi-english medium is offered to the Secondary section and English medium to the Higher Secondary section to provide equal opportunity to all girls in Maharashtra as we strongly believe that language should not become a barrier for them.

Our Vision
Vidya Balancha Upaswa is the motto of all sainik schools in Maharashtra, which clearly reflects our vision. With such a vision, of grooming young cadets with appropriate academic as well as physical development, the girls are trained in a very caring and scenic environment. We think that it is our prime duty and responsibility to provide energetic, creative, responsible, disciplined, sensible, strong and stout lady officers to the country. Admissions are given by identifying the true potential in the students which invariably culminates into great results.

Our Mission

Education is the backbone of personality development and the Maharashtra Education Society promotes it mainly with an aim of making a ‘MAN’ in the true sense of the word. To provide the best affordable education to deserving students is at the centre of the school’s mission. In the interest of nation building, the focus is on overall personality development – mental, physical, intellectual as well as a strong moral value system.

MES Hostel for Girls, Sainiki Shala, Kasar Amboli, Pune

Gut No.80 K, Kasaramboli,Post-Pirangut, Mulshi, Pune - 412115 Maharashtra, India
Established in 1997

Spectacular Hostel building accommodating 720 cadets well equipped with all residential needs. It is the home for students on campus. A lady warden is available in every ward. The cadets are taught self-management skills besides providing good lodging and boarding facilities.

डॉ. आंबेडकर महाविद्यालयाचा विद्यार्थी अक्षय धनगर हा ‘नंदू मराठे श्री २०१९’ पारितोषिकाचा मानकरी ठरला आहे. महाराष्ट्र एज्युकेशन सोसायटीच्या आबासाहेब गरवारे महाविद्यालयाच्या वतीने आयोजित करण्यात आलेल्या ५२ व्या आंतरमहाविद्यालयीन ‘कै. नंदू मराठे शरीरसौष्ठव स्पर्धे’त त्याने हे यश मिळविले आहे. महाविद्यालयाच्या सभागृहात आज (शुक्रवार, दि. ३० ऑगस्ट २०१९) ही स्पर्धा आयोजित करण्यात आली होती. त्यात पुणे शहर आणि जिल्ह्यातील ३३ महाविद्यालयांमधील ४२ स्पर्धकांनी भाग घेतला होता.

बँक ऑफ महाराष्ट्रच्या पुणे रिजनचे महाव्यवस्थापक सुधीर कुलकर्णी यांच्या हस्ते अक्षय धनगर याला पारितोषिक प्रदान करण्यात आले. बँक ऑफ महाराष्ट्रमधील व्यवस्थापक संगीता देसाई यांच्या हस्ते अन्य पुरस्कारप्राप्त स्पर्धकांना पारितोषिके देण्यात आली.

महाविद्यालयाचे प्राचार्य डॉ. पी.बी. बुचडे यांच्या हस्ते स्पर्धेचे उद्घाटन करण्यात आले. या स्पर्धेसाठी प्रा. ए.टी. साठे, प्रा. पी.बी. कामठे, डॉ. अरुण दातार, प्रा. शैलेश आपटे, उल्हास त्रिमल, जयप्रकाश भट, भगवान परदेशी, डॉ. आशा बेंगळे, प्रा. उमेश बिबवे, विशाल भोसले, रोहित इंगवले उपस्थित होते. प्राचार्य डॉ. बुचडे यांच्या हस्ते त्यांचा सत्कार करण्यात आला.

बँक ऑफ महाराष्ट्रतर्फे स्पर्धेच्या आयोजन समितीचे सदस्य प्रा. पी.बी. कामठे, सुधीर भोसले व सुनिता चौधरी यांचा सत्कार करण्यात आला.

‘महाराष्ट्र एज्युकेशन सोसायटी हा आज शिक्षणक्षेत्रातील ब्रँड’

पुणे, दि. २६ : “माणूस हा सजीव असतो तर संस्था ही निर्जिव असते, पण निर्जिव संस्थेच्या कामात प्राण फुंकण्यासाठी पूर्वसुरींनी घेतलेल्या कष्टांमुळे आणि त्यागामुळेच आज शिक्षणक्षेत्रात महाराष्ट्र एज्युकेशन सोसायटी आणि तिचे आबासाहेब गरवारे महाविद्यालय हे ‘ब्रँड’ निर्माण झाले आहेत. या महाविद्यालयात शिकणाऱ्या आणि इथून शिक्षण घेऊन बाहेर पडलेल्या विद्यार्थ्यांना अभिमान वाटेल असे आज या महाविद्यालयाचे कार्य आहे. गेल्या ७५ वर्षात महाविद्यालयाने केलेल्या यशस्वी वाटचालीची कमान यापुढील काळातदेखील चढती राहावी यासाठी या अमृत महोत्सवी वर्षात सर्वांनीच विचार केला पाहिजे,” असे प्रतिपादन महाराष्ट्र एज्युकेशन सोसायटीचे अध्यक्ष एअर मार्शल भूषण गोखले (निवृत्त) यांनी आज येथे केले. महाराष्ट्र एज्युकेशन सोसायटीच्या आबासाहेब गरवारे महाविद्यालयाच्या अमृत महोत्सवी वर्षाच्या उद्धाटन समारंभात अध्यक्षपदावरून ते बोलत होते.  महाविद्यालयाच्या अॅसेंब्ली हॉलमध्ये हा समारंभ आयोजित करण्यात आला होता. महाविद्यालयातील विद्यार्थ्यांनी ‘मएसो’च्या मुख्य कार्यालयातून आणलेल्या मशालीचे स्वागत यावेळी मा. गोखले यांनी केले.

यावेळी व्यासपीठावर संस्थेचे उपाध्यक्ष डॉ. यशवंत वाघमारे आणि मा. प्रदीप नाईक, संस्थेच्या नियामक मंडळाचे अध्यक्ष मा. राजीव सहस्रबुद्धे, उपाध्यक्ष डॉ. माधव भट, संस्थेचे सचिव डॉ. भरत व्हनकटे, साहाय्यक सचिव मा. सुधीर गाडे, महाविद्यालयाचे प्राचार्य डॉ. पी.बी.बुचडे आणि संस्थेच्या आजीव सदस्य मंडळाचे सदस्य व समारंभाचे समन्वयक डॉ. अतुल कुलकर्णी उपस्थित होते.

एअर मार्शल भूषण गोखले (निवृत्त) आपल्या भाषणात पुढे म्हणाले की, “विद्यार्थ्यांच्या दृष्टीने शाळेतून महाविद्यालयात जाणे हा एक पार महत्त्वाचा बदल असतो. शाळेत प्रत्येक विद्यार्थ्याकडे शिक्षकांचे लक्ष असते. महाविद्यालयात प्रवेश घेतलेल्या विद्यार्थ्याला कल्पना आणि आशा-आकांक्षाचे घुमारे फुटलेले असतात. तो शाळेत शिकलेली शिस्त विसरतो आणि मजा लुटण्याची ओढ त्याला लागते. विद्यार्थ्यांनी महाविद्यालयीन जीवनाचा आनंद घेतला पाहिजे पण आपले लक्ष शिक्षणावरच केंद्रीत केले पाहिजे. आपले ध्येय न सोडणारे विद्यार्थीच पुढे जाऊन जीवनात यशस्वी होतात हे लक्षात घेतले पाहिजे.”

राज्यातील पूरग्रस्तांसाठी महाविद्यालयातील विद्यार्थ्यांनी जमा केलेल्या निधीचा, १ लाख ५१ हजार रुपयांचा पहिला हप्ता यावेळी मा. गोखले यांच्या हस्ते राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ जनकल्याण समितीच्या पश्चिम महाराष्ट्र प्रांताचे सहकार्यवाह श्री. विनायक डंबीर यांच्याकडे सूपूर्द करण्यात आला.

महाविद्यालयाच्या जनसंज्ञापन विभागातील विद्यार्थ्यांनी तयार केलेल्या महाविद्यालयाच्या वाटचालीचा आढावा घेणाऱ्या माहितीपटाचे प्रकाशन मा. गोखले यांच्या हस्ते यावेळी करण्यात आले. तसेच हा माहितीपट तयार करणारे विद्यार्थी आणि अमृत महोत्सवी वर्षाचे बोधचिन्ह तयार करणारा विद्यार्थी प्रसाद किसन चोपडे या सर्वांचा सत्कार देखील मान्यवरांच्या हस्ते करण्यात आला.

महाविद्यालयाचे प्राचार्य डॉ. बुचडे यांनी आपल्या प्रास्ताविक भाषणात, महाविद्यालयाच्या गेल्या ७५ वर्षातील वाटचालीचा आढावा घेतला. तसेच यापुढील काळात महाविद्यालयात नवनवीन अभ्यासक्रम आणि प्रकल्प सुरू करण्यात येणार असल्याची माहिती दिली.

‘मएसो’ येत्या १९ नोव्हेंबरला १६० व्या वर्षात पदार्पण करत आहे. महाराष्ट्र एज्युकेशन सोसायटीचा शतकोत्तर हीरक महोत्सव आणि संस्थेच्याच आबासाहेब गरवारे महाविद्यालयाचा अमृत महोत्सव एकाच वर्षात साजरा करण्याचा दुग्धशर्करा योग जुळून आला आहे. महाविद्यालय आणि त्याची मातृसंस्था या दोन्हींसाठी ही विशेष घटना आहे, असे संस्थेच्या नियामक मंडळाचे अध्यक्ष मा. राजीव सहस्रबुद्धे यांनी आपल्या भाषणात सांगितले.

कार्यक्रमाचे सूत्रसंचालन महाविद्यालयातील मराठी विभागाच्या प्रमुख प्रा. डॉ. वर्षा तोडमल यांनी तर आभार प्रदर्शन डॉ. अतुल कुलकर्णी यांनी केले.

महाराष्ट्र एज्युकेशन सोसायटीच्या आबासाहेब गरवारे महाविद्यालयाच्या अमृत महोत्सवी वर्षाच्या प्रारंभानिमित्त आज (शुक्रवार, दि. २३ ऑगस्ट २०१९) महाविद्यालयाच्या मैदानावर विद्यार्थ्यांनी मानवी साखळी केली.

या वेळी ‘मएसो’चे नियामक मंडळ सदस्य मा. विजय भालेराव, साहाय्यक सचिव सुधीर गाडे, संस्थेच्या आजीव सदस्य मंडळाचे सदस्य व महाविद्यालयाचे प्राचार्य प्रो. (डॉ.) पी.बी. बुचडे, उपप्राचार्य डॉ. अंकूर पटवर्धन, उपप्राचार्य डॉ.सुनीता भागवत, उपप्राचार्य श्रीमती शैला त्रिभुवन,पर्यवेक्षक श्रीमती स्मिता कुलकर्णी, डॉ. अतुल कुलकर्णी, श्री. सुधीर भोसले, श्री. गोविंद कुलकर्णी आदी मान्यवर उपस्थित होते.

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